Is my device compatible with Chromatics 3?

Chromatics uses the RGB.NET library for integrating with various device vendors and models. Any device supported by RGB.NET should be compatible with Chromatics but we can't test every single device model ourselves. If you want to check if your device is supported by RGB.NET, please see their Github.

Currently the following vendors are supported by RGB.NET:

  • Asus

  • Coolermaster

  • Corsair

  • Logitech

  • MSI

  • Novation

  • Razer

  • SteelSeries

  • Wooting

My device isn't supported, can you add it to Chromatics 3?

Chromatics uses the RGB.NET library for integrating with various device vendors and models. Any device supported by RGB.NET should be compatible with Chromatics but we can't test every single device model ourselves.

If your device is not supported by RGB.NET, please see their Github and put in a feature request.

My keyboard is not a QWERTY layout, is it supported by Chromatics 3?

Currently only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to remap keys accordingly.

We hope to address this in a future release.

Can you add this feature to Chromatics?

If you have a feature request, please put in an issue on our Github or Discord.

I found a bug, how can I report it?

If you have found a bug, please put in an issue on our Github.

Is using Chromatics detectable/allowed?

Chromatics uses a library called Sharlayan to read Final Fantasy XIV's memory directly. We are committed to ensuring this process is strictly a read-only process and no memory manipulation can occur. At this point in time we have no reason to believe this process can be detected by the game or Square Enix.

It is not recommended to discuss the use of Chromatics or any third-party modifications in-game, as it technically violates the terms of service for FFXIV. While there are no reported cases of a ban or warning for using Chromatics, it is still advised to exercise caution.

Last updated